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Cat David Louis

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​​Dark and Dreadful Forest is the debut novel of author Cat David Louis. He insists on an intense writing style that paints a picture in the reader’s mind as vividly as the artist’s brush strokes upon the canvas.   He credits this approach to an enrichment of life experiences that has profoundly shaped his world view.  Young and fresh out college, Louis found himself patrolling the inner city streets as a police officer.  Less than three years later, he realized a long career in blue, was not to be. He began work in social casework, while going to school at night for his teaching degree.  Louis has spent most of the past two decades in urban public school systems. Having spent so much time growing up and working in the inner city, Louis says this is where true heroes are forged; if only in rising each morning to face their day- to- day struggles.
 Cat David Louis’ writing in Dark and Dreadful Forest has been called dark and haunting— reminiscent of the dramatic, Gothic style of old.  For him, it’s a style borne of the lives that have crossed paths with his own, of which he simply states, “They’ve all mattered.”
A member of the Historical Novel Society, Louis says so many readers have told him that Dark and Dreadful Forest begs for a sequel-- or even a series. Who knows?  Stay Tuned.


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